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talent marketplace

a talent marketplace is a simple concept - it is a way for a business to see all of the skills of its workforce or capacity in a snapshot, and filter by skills and availability. globally, marketplace structures are becoming much more integrated and accepted into the future of work. benefits are clear - increased agility, knowledge retention, allowing people to drive their own careers and increased productivity. as an internal model, marketplaces allow access to skill sets beyond traditional silos. freelance talent marketplaces take the model outside of internal borders. they allow:


access to expertise, unlimited capacity and global reach


without contributing to permanent overheads or increasing internal workloads for existing teams. accessing our surge consulting model helps our clients to build unlimited capacity for their clients. 


eighteen o four is unique not only because our research drives all of our processes, but also because we believe in human connections. while we know that automation is increasing in the workplace, anyone can load a cv into an ai, but we optimise human - automation partnerships to deliver results. 


we bridge the gap between human and machine intelligence


we believe that the future of work is skills based, and that a large proportion of projects will be delivered remotely, efficiently, sustainably, and empathetically. we build high performance teams using our network. we function on a principal of one degree of separation – we only approve people for our network who we know, trust, and understand.

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